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SXM Blog
Pets Entering St Maarten From Any Country10/4/2014 - By St Martin Reservation Center ![]() animals policy has changed and it is effective as of Oct 04th, 14, 2014! It is valid for both sides of the island since the international airport is located on the Dutch side of the island. This policy applies to any guests who may travel to St Martin with their pets. Steps in acquiring an animal permit and what to do with it on arrival in St. Maarten It is important that an animal’s owner ensure that it receives optimal veterinary health care. This includes visits to a veterinary health care professional and a vaccination program as prescribed for your animal. When planning to come to St. Maarten please check with your airline or sea carrier and observe the following;
Inspection Department TEZVT - Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Cannegieter Street nr. 23A, Philipsburg. St. Maarten. Tel: +1 (721) 542-5641, +1 (721) 542-9887 (O) / +1 (721) 520-7213 (M) Fax: +1 (721) 542-3800
CONDITIONS OF IMPORT FOR ANIMALS INTO ST. MAARTEN 1. The animal(s) – [dog(s)/cat(s)] is/are thirteen (13) weeks of age or older. 2. The animal(s) must be accompanied by a valid official International Health Certificate issued by a certified (Accredited) veterinarian and endorsed by the Official Government (Federal) Veterinarian. The International Health Certificate must be valid at the time of entry into St. Maarten. 3. The Health Certificate must attest that; a. It/they has/have been vaccinated against Rabies with an inactivated vaccine at least 30 days but no longer than 12 months to 36 months (as registered by the manufacturer) prior to departure. b. The dog(s) has/have adequate levels of immunity conferred by being actively immunized against the following diseases: Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Leptospirosis, Adenovirus and Coronavirus. c. The cat(s) has/have adequate levels conferred by being actively immunized against the following diseases: Feline Leukemia, Feline Rhinotracheitis, Feline Calcivirus, Feline Panleukopenia and Feline Pneumonitis. d. The animal(s) is/are free of internal parasites as determined by a negative fecal flotation test and should be treated within 14 days prior to departure with a registered medicine as instructed by the manufacturer. (Mention the date, time and the product used on the health certificate). e. The animal(s) is /are free from external parasites particularly Amblyomma sp. and Boophilus sp. The animal(s) should be treated with a registered insecticide 24 to 48 hours prior to departure. f. The animal(s) is/are free from observable cutaneous diseases. g. The dog(s)/cat(s)/ferret(s) must be transported in (a) suitable kennel(s) according to IATA regulations. 4. The animal(s) has/have to be registered electronically with an ISO (International Standards Organization) microchip. The number must be mentioned on the health certificate. 5. The importation of dogs and cats from South and Central America (excl. Suriname) is not permitted. 6. The importation of a pit-bull terrier type dog is not permitted. 7. The animals must be presented to a licensed Veterinarian within twenty four (24) hours of arrival in St. Maarten. A copy of the Veterinary Health Certificate(s) and this Permit must be submitted to the Inspections Department TEZVT – LVV, St. Maarten. 8. THIS PERMIT IS VALID FOR ONE (1) ENTRY WITHIN ONE (1) MONTH OF THE DATE OF ISSUE. 9. ALL CERTIFICATES MUST BE IN DUTCH, ENGLISH OR ACCOMPANIED BY AN OFFICIAL TRANSLATION.
Inspection Department TEZVT – Form 3(C ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Inspection Department TEZVT – LVV St. Maarten. FOR OFFICE USE Application Approved: Yes No Tamarinde Steeg nr. 16, Permit number _________________ Philipsburg. St. Maarten. Date ___________ APPLICATION FOR PERMISSION TO IMPORT ANIMALS Issued by ______________________ (NB. PLEASE COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS OF THE APPLICATION IN FULL) I/We _________________________________________________ of ______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITIONS OF IMPORT FOR BIRDS INTO ST. MAARTEN 1. The import of birds is only permitted from countries that are officially free from any outbreaks of notifiable Avian Influenza (LPAI and HPAI). 2. In cases where the exporting country had been affected by the Low Pathogenicity Avian Influenza (LPAI) virus, an accompanying certificate must be issued by the Chief Veterinary Officer of the exporting country and must state that the bird(s) is/are from an Avian Influenza free territory of the country. 3. The birds have to be accompanied by an official International Health Certificate, issued by a certified (Accredited) veterinarian and endorsed by the Official Government (Federal) Veterinarian. The international health certificate must be valid at the time of entry of the birds into St. Maarten. 4. In the health certificate the following has to be stated by the veterinarian: • That the country or state of origin of the birds is officially free of notifiable Avian Influenza (AI), Newcastle Disease (NCD) and other notifiable avian diseases. • That the birds have been inspected on the day of shipment by the veterinarian and showed no clinical signs of any communicable disease. • That the birds have been under veterinary supervision 3 weeks prior to shipment and have shown no signs of any communicable disease during that period. • That the Psittaciformes (parrots, macaws, etc.) originate from a facility that has been free of psittacosis for the past 12 months. • That the bird(s) has/have been transported in new, unused containers. • That the bird(s) have been identified individually by a ring or chip. 5. The Inspection Department TEZVT – Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries has to be notified by the freight forwarders for all bird or poultry importations in order to inspect the shipments on site before giving clearance. 6. Birds that do not comply with the aforementioned certification requirements or show any symptoms of any communicable disease will be euthanized immediately. 7. A copy of the Veterinary Health Certificate(s) and this Permit must be submitted to the Inspections Department TEZVT – LVV, St. Maarten. 8. THIS PERMIT IS VALID FOR ONE (1) ENTRY WITHIN ONE (1) MONTH OF THE DATE OF ISSUE. 9. ALL CERTIFICATES MUST BE IN DUTCH, ENGLISH OR ACCOMPANIED BY AN OFFICIAL TRANSLATION.
The Inspection Department – TEZVT – LVV. FOR OFFICE USE Application Approved: Yes No Tamarinde Steeg nr. 16, Permit number _________________ Philipsburg. St. Maarten. APPLICATION FOR PERMISSION TO IMPORT BIRDS Date ___________ Issued by ______________________ (NB. PLEASE COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS OF THE APPLICATION IN FULL) I/We _________________________________________________ of ______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
lvv@sintmaartengov.org |
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